Monday, January 08, 2007

Santa Was Here

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Magic dust marks the spot.

Every year Santa makes his way down the chimney to leave gifts and fill our stockings.

He never fails to leave evidence of his arrival. Magic dust on the logs in the fireplace was all I could get photos of this year. Troi had already vacuumed up the remnants on the carpet.

Some years he will eat all the cookies and drink all the milk. Other years Rudolf will oblidge.

This year was the magic dust all over the place. It was in one long trail from the fire place to the tree.

Troi has a theory about the various gifts Santa leaves at the homes he visits on behalf of Troi and now Kai. At Nana's house, Santa will leave snow, magic walnuts that once cracked open reveal a surprise which is usually coins or money. (And they say money doesn't grow on trees!) Along with the magic walnuts, Santa leaves gifts that are fit for a mountain prince. New boots, new snow bib, things definitely out doorsy and made for the rugid terrain that surrounds Nana and Grumpa's house.

At Papa and Grandma's, he leaves clothes, games, books and other "fun and games" things that Troi just loves. Then he has Granny's house. Where Granny always gets Troi the "sensible" needed gifts like shoes, clothes and the occasional PS2 game that Troi must have been hinting about for the 20K time!

Santa leaves us goodies every year in our stockings at Nana's house. I think he knows that we will be waiting for the goodies there since we don't have gifts in ours here at the house very often.

Thank you Santa for NEVER letting us down!

Baby Boy Troi - 9

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Number 9. Year 9. 9 years old...9 years young.

Doesn't seem like a big number huh? It's still less than 10...but when you think about how long this kiddo has tolerated me interfering in his life, it's a pretty long time.

Nah, this kiddo is so amazing. He's definitely a keeper.

I recall when he was Kai's age (almost 2) and thinking how I couldn't imagine him being 9. I guess it's just the same feelings I have now toward Kai. I am eager to have him grow up and be independent, but still want him to be my baby.

Troi is still my baby. He always will be...9 or 99. He's my Baby Boy Troi.

Troi's Birthday Aftermath

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The aftermath of a successful birthday celebration is a miracle to behold. It's a FREAKING miracle we made it through another wonderful event without too much chaos!

Having a child born so close to Christmas is not an easy parental assigment from the heavens. No, it's more of a multi-taskers nightmare.

Troi was born on December 24, 1997.

He was my Christmas gift that year. The same year I received my very first computer. Two HUGE milestones in one fail swoop. Not too shabby if you ask me.

Celebrating Troi's birthday is the easiest of all yearly holiday tasks. It's the preparation for it that kills me every year. I know when it happens- every year at the same time. So why do I punish myself this way?

I have put these crazy limitations on myself. For instance, my rule has always been that we don't put any Christmas decor up until AFTER we have Troi's party. We usually have Troi's party the weekend before Christmas. So that leaves me NO TIME to truly enjoy my precious decorations...some that I have had for many years and some that just my absolute favorites - my Christmas carousel collection.

Why do I not just put up the damned decorations right after Thanksgiving? So I have more time to enjoy them and less stress to put them up only to take them down 2 weeks later.

I have asked Troi and he doesn't mind. So that tells me it's a self-limiting, self-imposed, self-neurosis that I freaking do to myself every year.

He's 9 now! It's time to stop this craziness. Next year I am putting the decorations up early AND still having the amazing party for Troi we do every single year.

Wow, do I feel better or what?!?

Thursday, January 04, 2007

"Troi! Troi! Troi!"

Today those words were yelled over and over again. Not by me! No sir. By Kai. We walked at the new park down the street and Troi was running ahead of Kai and Kai wasn't able to keep up. So he kept yelling for his older brother. It was the most adorable thing I have ever heard.

That is, until we got home.

I was typing away at the computer and I heard Kai yelling Troi's name again. This time, it was because Troi was playing his PS2 and Kai wanted Troi's undivided attention. It was cute...but after about the 20th time Kai said Troi's name I had to intervene.

These photos are from today's walk. I took some photos for the 28 Things for January 2007. It's a scavenger hunt. Pretty cool. I won't post the photos here but rather on my Outta My Head blog.
