Monday, August 30, 2010

And So They Grow

I have to be the biggest baby.

No, really.

My youngest starting kindergarten today. I already did this with my eldest son, but for some reason today was just so much more emotionally charged.

Will they remember to give him his enzymes?
Will they keep him cool?
Will they be sure to offer him salt?
Will they be kind to him?
Will they?
Will they....?
Will they.......?


So much had to be done to get him to this point. The medication forms, the IEP, the this, the that...then there is me...dragging my feet...not wanting him to grow up. I have to. He needs to.

I picked up the medication form, took it and him to school. The school nurse so friendly, assured me he would be fine and that it would be hardest on me. She just had one of her three sons head off to college this past weekend...another learning how to drive... She said she was feeling the same way, offered me candy (I would have preferred a stiff drink) and a tissue. She let me hang around outside to make sure things went OK with his enzyme administration.

Not only did Kai take his enzymes just fine, but he went out to the lunch area with the rest of the kids and fed himself his sweet potatoes then drank his Boost. I swear he puts on a show just for I feel needed....that has to be it.

All mom can grow up too.

I love being a parent. I love being a mom. I am going to miss my little baby. He hasn't been that little baby is such a long time. To me though, I will always see my boys as my babies. How do my parents do it? Here I am, grown with my own they still see me as that little baby holding her toy carrot?

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Blogger gomezbride3 said...

Awe mama my eyes welled up with tears as I read your post. Parenting is such a hard job, we love our babies so much no matter what age they are and we worry about them all the time. I so feel ya sister!

I love you all, and I hope Kai continues to have a great first week.

Tuesday, 31 August, 2010  

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